Friday, February 15, 2008

Ryan Seacrest 's Superbowl Pregame Show

4th SW Quadrant\The Approval Matrix: Week of Feb. 18, 2008

News Corp.'s Fox used Ryan Seacrest, host of its American Idol, in what was billed as the first made-for-TV Super Bowl red-carpet walk. Fox's Terry Bradshaw probably spoke for many viewers: "Seacrest, the only time I thought I'd see you at the Super Bowl would be as a cheerleader." Said Fox NFL pregame comedian Frank Caliendo: "Boy, nothing says 'NFL-tough' like Ryan Seacrest. I guess Richard Simmons was booked."
-- USA Today

[Ryan Seacrest] annoyingly referred to Hugh Laurie (who looked like he was being held at gunpoint to promote House's supercool post-Super Bowl episode) as "Dr. House." Have a little respect, Ryan — the guy's an award-winning actor, not Urkel!
-- TV Guide

Some of the celebrities to walk the "red carpet" included John Travolta, American Idol's Jordin Sparks, and Alicia Keys.

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