Monday, January 28, 2008

Vegan Shoes for $300

1st NW Quadrant\The Approval Matrix: Week of February 4, 2008

Elisa Camahort posted on the blog The Hip & Zen Pen:

Have you seen Charmone Shoes? Most. Adorable. Vegan. Shoes. Ever. And, unfortunately for me they may also be the Most. Expensive. Vegan. Shoes. Ever.

Before I became a veg*n I sold shoes during college and became a total shoe hound/snob...that ended when I was stuck shopping at Payless Shoe Source to get vegan shoes. I've always longed for a source for really gorgeous, non-cheap, vegan shoes. Along comes Charmone.

I mean, their mission could not be more hip & zen:
Charmoné’s mission is to create charming women’s shoes in harmony with animals, people and the environment.

Only two problems:

1. I don't actually wear high heeled shoes very often...and when I do I am nearly always immediately sorry.
2. I have probably never spent $300 USD on a pair of shoes before, particularly a pair that I'll wear rarely and that will probably hurt me when I do. Sigh. But I love them.

(Update: Just in case you didn't see it, Michelle posted in the comments that has trendy AND affordable vegan shoes!)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Have you checked out They have trendy AND affordable vegan shoes there!