Monday, March 17, 2008

Electoral Mess in Florida?

1st NW Quadrant\The Approval Matrix: Week of March 24, 2008

A copy of a memo from Florida Democratic Party chairwoman Karen Thurman contains details of a draft proposal for voting by mail, which it describes as the "best option," and a budget of between $10 and $12 million, as well as a date: June 3.

The memo cites a poll commissioned by Florida Senate Democratic Leader Steve Geller commissioned a poll of voters who participated in the state’s January 29th Democratic Presidential Primary, which found that 59% of those Democrats want a revote.

"Only 63% of these primary-voting Democrats are committed to sticking with our eventual nominee if Florida voters are not counted. That number is dangerously low," the memo says.
-- Politico

According to The Huffington Post, "The DNC has stripped the Sunshine State of its delegates because it violated party rules in holding an earlier than approved primary."

UPDATE: Facing strong opposition, Florida Democrats on Monday [March 17, 2008] abandoned plans to hold a do-over presidential primary with a mail-in vote and threw the delegate dispute into the lap of the national party. -- Yahoo! News

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