Friday, April 4, 2008

"Gotham City"

4th\SW Quadrant The Approval Matrix: Week of April 7, 2008

Queens Councilman, Hiram Monserrate wants us to officially stake claim on the "Gotham City" title, and is pushing the City Council to designate it as our chief nickname (preferably before The Dark Knight is released this summer). He says, “I see that as a marketing tool, ‘Come visit the real Gotham City,’ taking advantage of this movie which will be one of those gate-breaking, record-selling movies like it always is.”

While the Gotham we know from Batman is corrupt and gritty, Monserrate says, “When we talk about Gotham we talk about tremendous, tremendous nightlife, restaurants, lounges, clubs and cafes, frappuccinos...". Pretty sure Batman was never spotted sipping a Starbucks frappuccino (though perhaps Bruce Wayne could be imagined in such a scenario).
-- Gothamist

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