Monday, September 8, 2008

Texas Inmate Bequeaths Body to Artist for Fish Food

1st\NW Quadrant: The Approval Matrix

[Texas death row inmate Gene] Hathorn will bequeath his corpse to [Danish-based artist Marco] Evaristti, who will deep-freeze the body and turn it into fish food that the general public can then dispense to goldfish.

-- Black Book

Gene Hathorn and James Bethard murdered Gene Hathorn, Sr., 45, Linda Sue Hathorn, 35, and their 14-year-old son, Marcus in their home. They ramsacked the home and removed two VCRs and several guns and a van to give the appearance of a robbery.Bethard's motive was the promise of remuneration from the estate ($12,500).

-- Texas Department of Criminal Justice

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