Tuesday, September 21, 2010

City Passes Rules Protecting Community Gardens

2nd\NW Quadrant: The Approval Matrix

From The Daily News by Erin Durkin

After an outcry from gardeners, officials announced new rules Monday giving more protection to the city's community gardens.

The new rules preserve all active gardens. Only abandoned or rule-breaking gardens can be sold or developed - and only after clearing a series of procedural hurdles.

The rules apply to 282 gardens controlled by the Parks Department.

An earlier draft sparked a green-thumb backlash because it left gardens vulnerable to development.

Gardeners welcomed the changes. "I was nervous, and I was prepared for a good fight," said Marilyn Mosley, 55, who grows vegetables and flowers at the Carrie McCracken Community Garden in Harlem. "I'm glad somebody came to their senses and understood that green spaces are important."

Photo courtesy of Noonan for News

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