Monday, March 21, 2011

Oxycodone and Cocaine Use Surpassing Sex with Youth

1st NW Quadrant: The Approval Matrix
"In the last two or three years, we have seen a 20% increase in minors reporting the use of Vicodin and OxyContin, especially OxyContin," said Susan Murdock, who heads the unit.

Seventeen percent of Fresno County's 11th-graders and 13% of the county's 9th-graders reported they had used prescription painkillers to get high at least once. The same percentages were reported statewide for 11th- and 9th-graders.

Among teens, 5.2% of admissions were for prescription painkillers, nearly a ninefold increase from 1998, said the study by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

The New York Observer\by Nate Freeman

On a recent Friday night, a 22-year-old in his first year of living in New York hosted a late get-together in his Little Italy apartment. Everyone there would call it a good party, but it decidedly lacked a climax.

Until 10 in the morning, a dozen attractive men and women—day laborers in film, public relations, media, fashion—drank Peroni, smoked cigarettes and indulged in cocaine as someone with an iPhone 4 blasted songs through the speakers. A girl sitting next to a Harvard M.B.A. student looked through a coffee table book of Todd Selby’s photography. There was a conversation going on about Twitter—most of those present kept a vigorously updated account.

Then came the sun—the traditional cue that one should choose a member of the opposite sex and set off for his or her apartment, to sleep together. Instead attendees departed alone. They peeled off instead of pairing up. No one at the party got laid that night and, even worse, no one gave a fuck.
Source: ABCNews

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